Last Fourth of July, we got a visit from a very patriotic Rapunzel, see her here if you missed it. I thought I'd do that again, bring back a beloved character in a patriotic post for the holiday. So, with that in mind, here are some old friends form February's Picture Book Marathon:

That's right, the beans are back! No, they aren't quite Rapunzel, no they didn't ever get more than a one-day post, but look at them, waving their cute little flags--they're so patriotic!
Remember, fried beans are good, refried beans are even better, but RE-refried beans WILL KILL YOU!
Happy Independence Day! Gotta love the beans.
I hate watching parades, but I'd wait overnight in an uncomfortable lawn chair to see that one.
Flesh-eating immortals and gastric distress all tied up in one neat package.
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