Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Your Guide to the Animals in ANIMAL HOUSE part 1

In ANIMAL HOUSE, there are many animals who aren't mentioned in the text, but who still follow the animal word-play format. In the back of the book, an online guide is promised. All of the unnamed animals can be found in the endpapers--but where are they in the book? Here's how you find them:

Pages 9-10

Pages 11-12

Page 14

"But," you say, "these are no fun without the book!" Then I say, "Go buy the book! Or tell your library to buy the book."

When I finish the guide, I'll put these on the Activities sidebar with the Rapunzel paper Dolls (and, ouch! I haven't put the Calamity Jack paper dolls over there yet! I'll get those over there too. You can find them in the archive--but it would be better if they were in the Activities sidebar.)

1 comment:

Candace Ryan said...

Ooooh, I like these!