Things are really ramping up now! Three Pinnipeds are on the scene!
If the text part of my post (this part, the non-comic part) seems a little dry, it's because I'm away from my fancy drawing computer this week, next week too. I've front-loaded two weeks worth of comic posts, scheduled to come out daily. I'm in lock-down, off the grid mode to finish a picture book with a wicked tight deadline. I may be able to publish comments though.
K! Cool-- automatic posting! The way of the future! (:
Awesome! Another friend! Yay! (awe.... How adorible! He's so cute!)
Emnia E.
I am becoming a big fan of the zoological comic. Keep it up!
Hi Everyone (this is Nate, from a far away computer) I hope you are enjoying the Pinnipeds! Tomorrow things get REALLY exciting. I know it's been a little slow moving, especially compared to the three comic blockbuster Chuck The Lazy Isopod, but stick with me, I'm setting the scene...
Hi, my name is Ayanna. I am here because I had to read the new comic you made, the Pinniped Party. I would like to read the book The Devil You Know. I think that this will be an interresting book to read. Oh, by the way, I attend NTCA. I would like to encourage you to keep up the good work by writing more books for children. Thank you for writing books for children. Thank you for also teaching me about pinnipeds. Have a nice day.
Hi, my name is Marcos, and I read your pinniped party comic. It is really cool!I am from NTCA, and I'm learning about pinnipeds.I really like your other books like Calamity Jack and Repunzel's Revenge. Thanks!
Hi Nathan,
This is Trey from New testament Christian Academy and my teacher told me to search about pinnipeds and she told us to go on this site. I really like your comic. I really like your book Calamity Jack. Have a great day :)
Hello my name is Keenan. Today our teacher told us to look up on your website for pinnipeds. She told us to look up your comic. I saw three of your books. I saw "Repunzels Revenge" and "Calamity Jack." I also saw "The Devil You Know." I liked "Repunzel's Revenge." Your comic taught me that a seal was a pinniped. Thank you for making your books and comics. Good-bye. Have a great day.
Hey Nathan,
Your book was K!Cool. My name is Davonte and I really like the book Calamity Jack.I read about your book Calamity Jack. I really liked your comic about pinnipeds. My teacher told us about your site, it is really interesting. Your awesome man!!!!!!! Have a Great Day!!!!
Hi, my name is Briyana. I loved reading all about the pinniped. They were interesting facts, and hopefully they will not be in danger anymore. My favorite part was the pinniped comic. The book I would love to read is
"The Devil You Know." Keep up all the good work and never give up. You have taught me about pinnipeds. Thank you alot.
Hey, Nathan, I like your pinniped party comic. It had a meaning, and it was funny. One day I hope we will have more writers like you. My favorite book of yours was "The Devil You Know." One thing I look for in books are pictures, and you have pictures! Without picuters you can't escape to a different world. My name is Jeremiah, and I wanted to tell you how awesome your books are.
Hi, my name is Joseph. I viewed you comic. I like your books. I like your book called the A Pirate's Night Before Christmas. It was funny and cool. I pray that you make more comics.
Sincerly, NTCA.
Hi, my name is Cortazia, and I read your pinniped party comic. It is really cool and excitng!I am from NTCA, and I'm learning about pinnipeds also.I really like your other books like Baloon on the Moon and Repunzel's Revenge. Thank You!
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