Friday, June 29, 2012

ALA Recap 4: The (BOOK!) Loot

So an author comes back from ALA and all he has two show are two measly cups of LEGO? Where's all the book loot?

I didn't score much book loot. I was too busy drawing Hangmans and Frankensteins and wearing ridiculous outfits and offending the Hollywood elite to pick up many books. My wife on the other hand, was a librarian at ALA. She scored big time--so many books! Seriously, so many. On arriving home they were immediately scattered to the four corners of the house. I didn't get one single picture of the bags and bags (and bags) of books.

But another librarian did get pictures--better than pictures, in fact, whole videos! Go HERE to see for yourself! Thanks to Paula the Pink-haired librarian!

Check out this video review of ONE DEAD SPY, so great!

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