Thursday, October 6, 2011

Princess BATMAN 7

D3 is the one! Here she is in full action mode! She's wielding her princess scepter (which is usually small, but transforms to a staff) and her shield fan. Action petticoats!

Tomorrow we'll see her riding her action pony "Blackie!" Maybe next week we'll see her normal princess identity and some of the villains she fights (including the "Million, Billion Bunnies!)


  1. I really like this one. Action shots=awesome. Though, I will admit, I'm still partial to the curly hair. Buuut, that's my bias.

    Maybe if her fan was bat shaped...that would appease those who say she's too princessy??

    I've been showing the progress of Princess Batman to my coworker. Anyhoo, he found this gem.

    Thought you might appreciate it.

  2. Hahahahaha!

    Now THAT is Princess Batman (the link above.)

  3. Tamora Pierce has a heroine with a razor-tipped fan--more aggressive than a mere shield. I have to say I miss the gaiters (long buttoned spats), but otherwise she's terrif!

  4. Now I want Princess Batman paper dolls.

    (I still have Rapunzel paper dolls from way back when.)

  5. I agree with sallysue. This pose seems to call for curls. Think of all the cool flying-curls action shots you could have!

    But no matter what you change or not, Princess Batman is awesome.

  6. Love it! And I, too was thinking about paper dolls...

  7. I want Princess Batman to defend MY city...
    And I can't wait to see the million, billion bunnies! :D

  8. I really think that with all the drawings you've already done, paper dolls are not much further off. Though I'm not an artist so I wouldn't know.

  9. I showed this to my 4 yo. She said, "I like it."
    "What do you like about it?"
    "The fan."
    Ah four year olds. They're all about the details.
