Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I Can't Quit You

I thought long and hard about it. I just can't stop the blog for three months. I've been doing it for too long, and too many good things have come from it.

I went back to check when I started this blog, and, can you believe it, two years ago today was the start date. June 1st, 2009 was when I officially started blogging regularly. I did Chuck the Lazy Isopod in May 2009, but I made the weekday posting official on June 1st. I'm 662 posts in. This thing is a habit I don't want to break.

So, hold on to your seats, there are no such thing as Summer Hours. This train keeps rolling!

Happy 2nd birthday to the Station!


  1. Chuck the Lazy Isopod is still one of my favorites. But I also liked Bottle of Thunder and Land of Doom (both years, and I secretly hope to see a Burger Bug feature here someday) and that crazy unfinished one about the giant plant. And probably more, too, but it is too late at night for me to dig deeply in the well of my memory (it can get pretty spooky down there, and I don't have a nightlight).

  2. I'm super excited! And I'm rooting for you!

  3. Thanks everyone. I totally set this all up to get you excited for summer. I, uh, had it all planned out. Yeah. That's the ticket.

  4. Thanks for sticking with it. I enjoy it very much. You can do it!

  5. YES! Your blog is my favorite. And I totally dreamed about mermaids last night. I was in a class, like a high school class, and you were the teacher, and you passed out an assignment and they were drawing of mermaids from the Mermaid Fire Brigade.

  6. You're my new hero.

    I did half a load of laundry yesterday and downloaded a new game onto my Android.

  7. :D My day was SOOO made!!!! :)

  8. Whoooo! Oh my gosh, now I admire you so much. :)

  9. My prayers have been answered.

    Thank you, Nathan Hale, God of Everything that is Artsy and Awesome!

    (By the way, where's the cute yellow bird-crittter that's normally at the top of the page?)

  10. Just thought you'd like to know that your Busy Octopus graces my computer desktop.

    And what's with the R in MTWRF?

  11. First thought on new header: New picturebook: "Don't let the Octopus Drive the Train." Also am thankful that I'm no longer an art director trying to persuade you to squeeze another CRICKET assignment into your already full summer schedule... I would feel SO guilty (or sad because you're probably better about saying "no" to the little projects now).

  12. hooray! I'm definitely excited about this :D

    Oh, and hello Ron McCutchan--I was an intern at Cricket in 2001 and remember thinking how cool your job was :)

  13. Hey, a CRICKET reunion is happening in here! Miss the CRICKET days--those were the funnest jobs.

  14. Just glad the mountain this train is going 'round does not have a broke back- just sayin'

  15. I was wondering about the "R" too.
