Monday, July 19, 2010

Animal House Guessing Game #9

We've got another week of ANIMAL HOUSE animals! More puns! More Guessing game! More animal/furniture hybrid fun!

Easy to guess this animal, harder to come up with the house-hold item.

Friday's animal was the "Boar-way."


  1. Is it a quailing for the hareway?

    A (part)ridge beam or (part)ridge pole?

    Can't think of anything for bob-white, unfortunately...

  2. I like Ben's quailt.
    No offense, Nate, but "boarway"?

  3. Yeah BOARway! It's a doorway, made out of a BOAR! It's perfect!

    And, yeah, this one's one of my after-the-fact namings, not one of Candace's manuscript animals.

  4. I also quailed at the boarway.
    What's the difference between a quail and a partridge? Gotta go look that up. . .
