Monday, June 7, 2010

They're Ba-ack

A year ago, the blog was just starting out. We started with CHUCK THE LAZY ISOPOD, and then moved onto THE PINNIPED PARTY. You can see it here in the June Archive--you'll have to scroll all the way down, then slowly scroll up, bottom to top to read it. Some day I'll make it easier to go back and read old stories (sure I will.)

Now let's get rolling on THE PINNIPED PARTY 2! I'm pretty sure somebody's gonna get punched in the face!


  1. I am so excited! I am a huge fan of the original.

  2. I actually impressed my boss once with my knowledge of pinnipeds. Knowledge I gained from your blog! It's educational!

  3. Ooh, this is going to be delightful.

  4. Pinniped is a very impressive word, if you can work it into a job interview, you are guaranteed to land that job.

  5. Dewey decimal number for pinnipeds is 599.74. No lie.

    Great way to begin summer vacation.

  6. Thanks, DaNae! I'm always a bit disoriented without a Dewey Decimal number to give me my bearings.

  7. Yay! Pinnipeds and Dewey Deciminals. This is THE intellectual blog of the Web!

  8. *cue spritely Japanese pop music . . . aaaand, sing!

    "Let's have a Pinniped Party, it's a sunny day. Let's have a Pinniped Party, and a Dairy Freeze!"
