Monday, April 12, 2010

Space Station Yellowbelly and the Dark Sub LAST DAY!

And there's the thrilling conclusion to the Dark Sub story. I'll start a BRAND NEW STORY tomorrow. One that doesn't involve me, Yellowbelly, Chester or Submarines! Hooray!

It has been a real whirlwind for the last few months, but I am slowly getting back on track. Back to the fun Lewis and Clark/Pinniped Party type of stories that I started the blog with.

Also, I discovered a HORRIBLE THING! So terrible, a full page of CALAMITY JACK icon portraits that I haven't gotten to yet! I am so sorry, if you did the CALAMITY JACK photo contest thing and have not yet gotten your custom avatar, you are probably on this list. I appreciate your patience and will start getting those out ASAP. YIKES!


  1. Nate, please don't tell me you really ate those snacks . . . I know a doctor.

  2. It's true. I ate ALL of those snacks. I usually have a NO SNACKS AT DESK policy. But I fell off the wagon on the ROBO job.

  3. By the way, the 4/4 episode of This American Life - "Enemy Camp 2010" - featured a segment on isopods! I was all..."I know about isopods! Because of Nathan Hale. Nathan Hale made me smarter."

  4. Ooh, I'll have to go listen that up! That Ira Glass, always stealing my ideas...
