Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Space Station Yellowbelly and the Dark Sub 1

Aaand we're back! Sorry for the recent sloppy posts. The last few were so lousy that I LOST a follower. I dropped from 107 to 106. Yikes! I didn't think they were that bad.
The good news is that the final art for 12 BOTS was completed on time and delivered digitally to the folks at Walker monday.
So the comics are back! What is with the dark sub? I hope nothing scary happens...


  1. Ghost sub!!
    Is it the Flying Dutchman? The Wallowing Minnow? There is something very creepy about an unmanned ship. (Even without all the Freudian analysis.)
    Hey, my wv is a real word--proto--or at least a real prefix.

  2. Was that a not-so-subtle foreshadow?
