Monday, January 25, 2010


So I guess since Jack, Rapunzel and Freddy beat the Vikings, they will now move on to the SUPERBOWL! (See, Sunday, the Minnesota Vikings were beaten and... oh never mind.)

Let me correct Rapunzel, I know she called it a "Tractor," and it's obviously a "Combine Harvester." But she's from the past, she doesn't understand the finer points of modern farming machinery.

I think I have everyone's avatar/cartoon photo now--make sure to send yours in if you haven't yet (and you qualify.) I'm going to try and get them all drawn this week.

Just for kicks, there will be one more LEGO post tomorrow.


  1. I'm impressed you can write fluently in Viking Runes.

  2. Also, I think there should be an avatar fashion show. Yellowbelly could do the commentary.

  3. Ooh--not a bad idea about the avatar fashion show. I don't think I'm going to post them here on the site, though. Everyone will get their avatar email-wise. The fashion show will be in the comments section where people's avatars pop up.

    I'll miss yours, by the way--I like that angry kid. What's it from?

  4. The Non sequitur comic. The character's name is - Danae.

    She is a gal after my own heart, starting her own religion: Danaeism and creating her own holiday: National Danae Day. Can it be agreed that the world would be a better place if she got her way?

  5. You know that Freddy in his goggles most resembles you, Nate? Especially on the cover.

  6. I am so in love with these comics, I can't even tell you. I may cry when you stop. Tears, I tell you. :)

  7. Breakfast isn't breakfast at our house without some "Space Station."

  8. Cole (7) loved reading these. It's the perfect reading material--real LEGO in cartoons. He wants to know if there are any more. He also wants to visit your LEGO closet. I'd love a whole book series of these. It would be a cinch to get my kids to read them. Then you'd have my boys dream job. Get paid to build LEGO.

  9. Freddy's cheeks aren't nearly chubby enough to match mine. But thanks for all the kind words everybody--you REALLY seem to like the LEGO. I'll have to bring them out again some time.
