Sunday, August 9, 2009

Yellowbelly Time part 1/10

Let's get into it! The Yellowbelly show is on, ten episodes, so it'll be a two-weeker!

I'm doing a book signing this week, Tuesday night at the Barnes and Noble in Orem, UT, from 7-10 pm. It is an "Authorpalooza" featuring several Utah authors. Mention the webcomic and receive a free Chuck the Lazy Isopod Paper Toy. (Of course, if you follow the webcomic, you already have a Chuck the Lazy Isopod Paper Toy--so make that a RAPUNZEL'S REVENGE poster.)


  1. Oh golly... a 22 hour drive from Kalamazoo to Orem... totally worth it for a Rapunzel's Revenge poster! I'll have to check with my wife first ;).

    Either way, the web comic sounds great! And have fun signing books!

  2. Oh my goodness! That joke was so non-funny, it was funny! Bro. and I are cracking up! (;

  3. Why do I have to have rehearsal on that night? Oh, wait. I DON'T! OMGOSH!!! I can't wait now.
