Friday, July 3, 2009

A Patriotic Break!

Happy 4th of July everyone! The birds will be back to face off on Monday. In the mean time, enjoy patriotic Rapunzel and Goldy (a bird!) 

I felt like I needed to draw a Rapunzel--I'm used to drawing 12 Rapunzels a day, it's hard to stop cold turkey. I had to get my fix.

Also, I may have stolen this pose and costume from a country not my own. Is that patriotic or what? 

Enjoy the fireworks! 


  1. Hm... Goldy kinda looks like she's about to be a suicide bomber. Because... is that a lit firecracker? In her mouth?


  2. Hahahaha.... Stolen? Not our own?
    But it still looks really good!!!! (:
    I don't think we'll do fireworks this year. ): But I'll get a fireworks screen-saver.
    HAPPY 4TH!
