Monday, July 27, 2009

Not really a comic but...

Here's the CALAMITY JACK cover! Click to embiggen, trust me, you want to embiggen.

We previewed JACK at Comic-Con. There is an ARC out there (Advance Reader Copy--a sneak preview copy the publishers make for reviewers and power-bloggers.) This ARC is black and white, the RAPUNZEL ARC was in full color. So if advance readers want full color, they'll have to wait, and buy it when it comes out. At some point, I hope to give away a copy or two to readers of this site (right now I don't actually have any.)

I was a little nervous about posting the cover artwork, even though it had been seen in public at Comic-Con, then I saw it was already up on Amazon. Woohoo! Let the countdown to January 2010 begin!

[UPDATE: The Amazon link may be for the Bloomsbury UK edition. In the "Editorial Reviews" section it lists Rapunzel's British reviews. So you may not want to pre-order this version, it may be later in coming, and more expensive than the US edition. I'll let you know when the US hardcover pops up for pre-order.]


  1. Wow! That cover is kickin'! The colors are really great and I love the character design. I think I'll have to pick this up when it's out!

  2. I, sir, am a reader of this blog. You have, therefore, at least one. (OK, I know you were meaning full-color ARCs, but I teach English and couldn't resist.)

  3. What? Wha-what? Oh, I see, yeah I do have more than two readers of this blog (well, not on the 40th anniversary of the moon landing--that day I have zero readers. Why does everyone hate the moon landing, huh?)

    I went to a web-comics "Bootcamp" at Comic-con, and apparently, according to them, I need at least two years to build up a decent online following. TWO YEARS!? I say have have a pretty decent following right now...around 30 people is decent, right? Plus lurkers--I gotta have some lurkers out there. I know how it goes because I am almost 100% a lurker when it comes to commenting on other people's sites. I guess that sorta makes me a hypocrite. (?)

  4. I love to have an arc to review. I don't care it's black and white and I will go back and buy the full color version when it's out. My book blog is here.

  5. Figures I'd forget the " 'd" in I'd. Now I look like a big dork. :(

  6. The goose is conspicuously missing from that cover! Hmmm....

  7. I loooooooooooooooooove the cover. :D
    but really... where is the goose?
    or is it just microscopic?

  8. Oh my gosh, that is so cool! I can't wait for it to come out!

  9. WOW! The cover is AMAZING!!!!! I can't wait to read it :)

  10. Love the cover! Having a crush on Jack himself has nothing to do with it of course...but he does look fantastic!

  11. I can neither confirm nor deny that Goldy the Goose is in Calamity Jack. I don't want to say much of anything for fear of spoilers. There are a handful of spoilerific bits on the cover as is.

    Buttoned lip. No Jack spoilers.

  12. Utterly lovely! I would power blog the heck out of any ARC that made it my direction. Just a thought.

  13. Are you looking for reviews? Like you give out copies of the book in black and white and we just gush about it or something? I could so do that.
    I will also, without fail, be buying Calamity Jack in hard cover when it comes out, no matter what.

  14. enbiggen, ha ha that's funny.... ooh that WAS worth it.

  15. Hey Nathan, that artwork looks amazing and, on a side note, I love the word "embiggen"!

    Can I just BORROW the arc? I'd like to pretend I'm a power blogger--I have almost 60 Google Reader subscribers.. that counts, right? Right? ;)

  16. I like the cover! Jack looks pretty cool.
